Wednesday's classes at Rotbart



We have 2 LEVELs :

- Intermediate : "Learn variations and discover dance through concepts"
This class is therefore suitable for intermediate dancers (you know the basics in pure bal and bal-swing: up-hold, down-hold, comearound, lollies, swivels, throw-out) AND for more experienced dancers!

- Basic : "Learn the basics of Balboa"
In the beginners classes we will learn the basic vocabulary of Balboa in close and open position, including posture, frame, pulse, footwork, as well as elements of musicality and improvisation. We want everyone to lead and follow for a better understanding of the dance and to explore new horizons for the future of this dance.
This class is suitable for complete beginners and dancers who want to strengthen their basics!

In all our classes we give strong emphasis to movement exploration and improvisation through playful warm-ups and funky-style coordination exercises. Once we are dancing playfully and joyfully in our own bodies, we are ready to explore our connection to music and a dance partner!


18:30 Balboa Intermediate/Int+ (min. 1 year of Balboa dance experience required)
19:45 Basic (min 2/3 month of balboa dance experience required))

No partner necessary, be ready to switch roles. Class: 60 min

Monthly paying System :

18:30 Balboa Intermediate/Int+ (min. 1 year of Balboa dance experience required)
19:45 Basic (no balboa dance experience required )

Monthly paying System :

October: 5 weeks 65€
November: 4 weeks 50€
December: 3 weeks 40€

For each monthly course, you will receive a class card from us, valid till the end of the next course.

Drop in : 15€

Teachers: Giedre & Camille
Classes in German & English

Questions :
Invite your friends : Facebook event
Address: Bar Rotbart, Böhmische Str. 43, 12055 Berlin

OPEN Dance Floor from 21:00 on ! Entrance for donation !

We promote a safe space and welcome people of all ethnicities, genders, sexuality and abilities.

Our cozy home in Rotbart